faculty and postdoctoral applications
Both the postdoctoral fellowship and the tenure-track faculty application processes can be immensely stressful. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of these processes is the need to write research, teaching, and diversity statements: at the time of applying for a postdoctoral fellowship, this is a task that most graduate students have little experience with. As a result, most are not sure how to begin.
I was fortunate to have mentors and colleagues who were willing to provide examples and feedback. I found example successful applications extremely helpful, as they gave me some guidance on length, structure, and content.
To help demystify the application process, I’ve made some of my personal resources publically-accessible below. The materials are from the 2020-2021 postdoctoral application cycle and the 2023-2024 tenure-track faculty application cycle. I hope that you, the reader of this page, will find them useful on your side of this adventure.
Ultimately, how to write these statements is a very personal choice, and the ideal way to do so will change by field and by application year. Please keep in mind that this is how I did it, and that you should choose your own way – it may be better!